
a+u レクチュア・シリーズ開催のお知らせ #01 E2A「Strategic Methodologies」




日時:2021年2月27日 午後3:00〜(JST)
場所:オンライン(YouTube Live)





ピート・エッカート(1968、インド、ムンバイ)はスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(1994年卒、特別賞)とニューヨークのコロンビア大学大学院建築学部で建築を学ぶ。1995〜1997年OMA所属。1997年にチューリッヒで独立し、2001年にヴィム・エッカートとE2A(Eckert Eckert Architects)を設立。様々な大学や機関で講義やワークショップを行う。過去にはオランダのデルフト工科大学やスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校で教鞭をとる。2009〜2011年にはハンブルグのハーフェンシティ大学で建築・持続可能デザイン学の客員教授、2014〜2019年にはメンドリジオ建築アカデミーの特任客員教授を務め、2020年からはドルトムント工科大学建築土木学部で特任教授を務める。
ヴィム・エッカート(1969、スイス、チューリッヒ)はスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(1995年卒、特別賞)で建築を学ぶ。1996〜1997年OMA所属。1997年にチューリッヒで独立し、2001年にピート・エッカートとE2A(Eckert Eckert Architects)を設立。様々な大学や機関で講義やワークショップを行う。2009〜2011年にはハンブルグのハーフェンシティ大学で建築・持続可能デザイン学の客員教授、2014〜2019年にはメンドリジオ建築アカデミーの特任客員教授を務め、2020年からはドルトムント工科大学建築土木学部で特任教授を務める。

a+u Lecture Series

a+u is pleased to inaugurate a new lecture series based online with guests from our feature issues. We are delighted to welcome architectural educator Seng Kuan as moderator.
While one of the consequences of COVID-19 is the restricted ability to travel, it has lowered barriers through new possibilities of online encounters. For more than 50 years, a+u has featured architects and architectures from around the world, bringing together people and ideas. We hope this lecture series will be a new venue where our collaborators at a+u can share with us what they are now thinking, through a platform that is more timely and accessible than ever before.

#01 E2A “Strategic Methodologies”
The first a+u lecture will be given by Wim Eckert and Piet Eckert, founding partners of E2A, the Zurich-based architecture firm featured in our February 2021 issue.

Date and time: February 27, 3:00 pm (JST)
7:00 am (CET)
10:00 pm (Feb. 26) (PST)
Location: Online (Youtube Live)
Participation fee: Free
Language: English

Click here to register


Seng Kuan is an architectural historian and theorist. He is Project Associate Professor and Director of the International Architectural Education Platform at the University of Tokyo and lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Design. He has written extensively on Japan’s postwar architectural culture, including books on Tange Kenzō and Shinohara Kazuo. He has also served in various editorial positions at a+u. Most recently he edited a monographic issues on architecten de vylder vinck taillieu (a+u 17:06) as well as Tange Kenzō’s Yoyogi National Gymnasiums (a+u 19:10).


Piet Eckert (1968, Mumbai, India) studied architecture at the ETH Zurich (Diploma 1994, with honorable mention) and Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture in New York City. From 1995–1997, he worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA). He has been an independent architect in Zurich since 1997 and founded E2A Eckert Eckert Architects with Wim Eckert in 2001. He has taught at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and at the ETH Zurich. He has been a member of academic and professional juries in Europe and elsewhere. From 2009–2011, Piet Eckert was a Visiting Professor for Architecture and Sustainable Design at the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU). From 2014–2019, he was an appointed Guest Professor at the Accademia di architettura, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Mendrisio. Since 2020, Piet Eckert has been an appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the TU Dortmund University (Germany).
Wim Eckert (1969, Zurich, Switzerland) studied architecture at the ETH Zurich (Diploma 1995, with honorable mention) and worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) from 1996–1997. He has been an independent architect in Zurich since 1997. In 2001, he founded E2A Eckert Eckert Architects with Piet Eckert. Wim Eckert regularly gives lectures and workshops at universities and institutions. From 2009-2011 Wim Eckert was a Visiting Professor for Architecture and Sustainable Design at the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU). From 2014–2019, he was an appointed Guest Professor at the Accademia di architettura, Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Mendrisio. Since 2020, Wim Eckert has been an appointed Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the TU Dortmund University (Germany).