a+u 2005年5月臨時増刊 北京・上海 建築ガイドブック
China displays a different countenance at every visit.Narrowing the focus of the global attention being given to these two metropolises, this book introduces modern and contemporary architecture from around the year 1900 up until the present.

16北京東部: 朝陽門、建国門周辺30北京中心部: 天安門広場、王府井周辺42北京西部: 復興門、阜成門周辺55近郊北西部: 清華大学周辺70近郊部+郊外
8北京の歴史と歴史的建築物について方擁29北京のバー文化: 増殖と移転と原口純子41北京の建築家: 状況を乗り越えていける人たち松原弘典53歴史と現代の共生王昀68混合ing: 北京オリンピック、都市と建築王暉
91浦東: 陸家嘴地区周辺98浦東: 世紀公園周辺108外灘、南京東路周辺126人民広場周辺136南京西路、淮海中路、衡山路周辺148近郊部+郊外
84上海の歴史と歴史的建築物について王方戟105上海超高層建築事情陸鐘驍120外灘の建築135上海のホテル事情東英樹146上海建築家事情柳亦春158これからの上海: 持続的発展が可能な万博、持続的成長が可能な上海160索引
16Beijing East: Chaoyangmen, Jianguomen Area
30Beijing Central: Tian’anmen Square, Wangfujing Area
42Beijing West: Fuxingmen, Fuchengmen Area
55Beijing Northwest: Tsinghua University Area
70Outskirts and Suburbs of Beijing
Beijing’s Topics
8Beijing Р History and Historical ArchitecturesFang Yong
29Beijing Bar Culture: Multiplication and MigrationJunko Haraguchi
41Beijing Architects: People Surmounting ObstaclesHironori Matsubara
53The Coexistence of History and Modern TimesWang Yun
68Mixing: 2008 Beijing Olympics, City and ArchitectureWang Hui
91Pudong: Lujiazui Area
98Pudong: Century Park Area
108The Bund, Nanjing Dong Lu Area
126People’s Square Area
136Nanjing Xi Lu, Huaihai Zhong Lu and Hengshan Lu Area
148Outskirts and Suburbs of Shanghai
Shanghai’s Topics
84Shanghai Р History and Historical Architectures
Wang Fangji
105The State of High-rise Architecture in ShanghaiLu Zhongxiao
120Architecture in the Bund
135Shanghai’s HotelsHideki Azuma
146Shanghai ArchitectsLiu Yichun
158Sustainable Development of the Expo, Sustainable Growth of ShanghaiDeng Ying160Index
170Contributors, Acknowledgments