
a+u 2010年5月号臨時増刊 レンゾ・ピアノ・ビルディング・ワークショップ 1989–2010 レンゾ・ピアノ財団本部アーカイヴの模型やプロトタイプの近景


a+u 2010年5月号臨時増刊

3,142 税込

商品コード: 411005 カテゴリー:




a+u last published a special issue on Renzo Piano and his Building Workshop in 1989, covering their exciting early works. This new monograph continues from there, exploring the last 20 years of his enduring practice where technology, craft, art, and an inherent eco-consciousness are successfully synergized into a sensible yet intriguing architecture.Here, Piano’s built works are presented through five environmental-technological themes that recur in his architecture: “Daylighting”, “Greenscapes”, “Climatic Responsiveness”, “Renovation” and “Tectonics”. There is a particular focus on detailed drawings, paired with exquisite photographs, to help readers better understand and learn from Piano’s thinking and design sensibilities. The 28 featured works span from 1989 till today, and also includes projects in progress such as the London Bridge Tower.


レンゾ・ピアノに聞く: 「感覚とサステイナビリティ」ジョナサン・グランシー 作品



「解き放たれたプロメテウス: RPBWの仕事 」ケネス・フランプトン




「建築を称えて」レンゾ・ピアノ主要作品 1967–2010作品データ略歴

Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Interview with Renzo Piano:

“Sense and Sustainability” by Jonathan Glancey

Completed Works

DaylightingBeyeler Foundation MuseumThe Nasher Sculpture CenterHigh Museum of Art ExpansionLACMA Expansion, Phase I – Broad Contemporary Art MuseumThe Art Institute of Chicago – The Modern WingGreenscapesAuditorium “Parco della Musica”Zentrum Paul KleeCalifornia Academy of SciencesClimatic ResponsivenessKansai International Airport Passenger Terminal BuildingCultural Center Jean-Marie TjibaouAurora PlaceThe New York Times BuildingRenovationRehabilitation of the Genoa Old Harbor and the Genoa Waterfront ProjectPotsdamer Platz ReconstructionNiccolò Paganini AuditoriumThe Morgan Library Renovation and ExpansionTectonicsMaison Hermès Padre Pio Pilgrimage Church


“Prometheus Unbound: The Work of RPBW” by Kenneth Frampton

Projects in Progress

Saint Giles Court Mixed-Use DevelopmentLondon Bridge TowerDevelopment Plan for the Ex-Michelin AreaIsabella Stewart Gardner Museum Renovation and ExpansionTjuvholmen Icon ComplexPoor Clare MonasteryHarvard Art Museum, Renovation and ExpansionManhattanville Campus, Columbia UniversityStavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center

Pritzker Prize Acceptance Speech:

“In Praise of Construction” by Renzo PianoSelection of Works 1967–2010Credits and DataBiography and Firm Profile
