
a+u 2012年8月臨時増刊 Face to Face With Nature / 自然と向き合う都市・建築・人


a+u 2012年8月臨時増刊

838 税込

商品コード: 411208 カテゴリー:




Face to Face With Nature – Cities, Architecture, People Actions of the Nikken Group After the 3.11 Earthquake

Cover: Ria coast in Sanrikucho


東日本大震災概要寄稿文東日本大震災から得られる教訓を踏まえた都市の再生について藤原健二(内閣官房地域活性化統合事務局参事官補佐)震災後の都市・建築思想を切り開く小林英嗣(日本都市計画家協会会長)21世紀の建築は残るか和田章(日本建築学会会長)3.11を踏まえた首都東京における防災まちづくりのとり組み大西誠(都市再生機構 審議役、前東日本都市再生本部長)オランダ型アプローチは東北を変えるかフィリップ・ドゥ・ヘーア(駐日オランダ王国特命全権大使)日建グループのとり組み都市論文: 国土の防災と自然安昌寿(日建設計副社長)津波への備え液状化への備え安全な都心部を目指して都心部地下空間の浸水対策持続可能なまちづくりへ世界の未来像をつくる街: 柏の葉スマートシティ建築論文: 明日へ櫻井潔(日建設計副社長)世界の地震分布図NS Wave: 設計用入力地震動NS Wave活用事例: 東京スカイツリー®総合的な安全性へ建築情報を顧客と共有する「NSi2」石巻赤十字病院人論文: 支援活動のはじまりと継続山梨知彦(日建設計執行役員)第5回環境デザインコンペティション: 復興ビジョンボランティア部の活動: 避難 地形 時間 地図──縮退時代における都市の記述法(ノーテーション)へ震災後の日建設計の活動概要おわりに: 岡本慶一(日建設計代表取締役社長)

Face to Face With Nature– Cities, Architecture, People

Actions of the Nikken Group After the 3.11 Earthquake

Overview of the Great East Japan EarthquakeEssaysUrban Regeneration and the Lessons of the Great East Japan EarthquakeKenji Fujiwara (Deputy Director, Regional Revitalization Bureau, Cabinet Secretariat)

After the Earthquake – Expanding the Conceptual Domains of Urbanism and ArchitectureHidetsugu Kobayashi (Chairman of Japan Society of Urban and Regional Planners)

Will 21st Century Architecture Survive?Akira Wada (President of the Architectural Institute of Japan)

Disaster Prevention Through Urban Development in Tokyo After the 3.11 EarthquakeMakoto Onishi (Advisor, Urban Renaissance Agency, Former

Director General of East Japan UrbanRenaissance Office)

Could the Dutch approach make a difference in Tohoku?Philip De Heer (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlandsto Japan)

Actions of the Nikken Group After the 3.11 EarthquakeCitiesEssay: Disaster Prevention and Nature in JapanMasatoshi An (Nikken Sekkei, Executive Vice President)

Tsunami Preparedness

Liquefaction Preparedness

Toward Safety in Urban Cores

Preventing Flooding of Urban Underground Spaces

Toward Sustainable Urban Development

Creating a Vision for the World’s Future: Kashiwanoha Smart CityArchitectureEssay: Toward TomorrowKiyoshi Sakurai (Nikken Sekkei, Vice President)

Earthquake Distribution Map for the World

NS Wave: Simmulated Earthquake Ground Motion for Structural Design

Project Simulated with NS Wave: Tokyo Skytree®

Towards Comprehensive Safety

Sharing Architectural Information with Customers “NSi2”

Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki HospitalPeopleEssay: Beginnings and Continuities of Support ActivitiesTomohiko Yamanashi (Nikken Sekkei, Executive Officer, Chief Architect)

5th Environmental Design Competition: Recovery Vision

Volunteer Group: Evacuation, Terrain, Time, Map – Toward a Notation of the City in the Era of Contraction

Activities of Nikken Sekkei after the earthquakeConclusion: Keiichi Okamoto (Nikken Sekkei President and CEO)
