
a+u 建築と都市2018年7月臨時増刊 和紙のある空間/堀木エリ子作品集2 Architectural Spaces with WashiⅡ Eriko Horiki


a+u 建築と都市2018年7月臨時増刊

2,619 税込

商品コード: 411807 カテゴリー:

日本語 + 英語/152頁/219x219mm/A4変型/平綴じ



a+u July 2018 Special IssueArchitectural Spaces with Washi IIEriko Horiki152 Pages/219mm x 219mm / English /Japanese¥2,571

Chapter 1: Installation and ExhibitionExhibition Tour ERIKO HORIKI – Prayers through WashiERIKO HORIKI Exhibition – Prayers through WashiSalone Del Mobile Milano 2011 Euroluce Baccarat HighlightsThe International Festival UTAGE 2013 in OsakaPray for Serenity ExhibitionChapter 2: Hotel and ShopOlive Bay Hotel bar YAMABUKIThe CUBE gourmet floor (11F), Kyoto Station BuildingMinamoto Kitchoan Okayama Main ShopCLUB HARIE B-studio, Takashimaya Kyoto StoreTANEYA, Takashimaya Kyoto StoreChapter 3: RenovationShima Kanko Hotel, THE CLUB Hall (2F)Kamishichiken Kaburen-jo TheaterPACIFICO YokohamaKyoto Prefectural University of MedicineYugyoan Tankuma Hotel Yokohama New GrandC’BON Pavilion, ForumSURUGA bankUCC Coffee MuseumChapter 4: Daily LifeBranchera Suita Katayamakoen Show ApartmentBranchera Nijo-jo Show ApartmentMarinetopia Resort HIOKIHAMA VILLAH ResidenceAmbassador’s Residence, Embassy of France, TokyoOMRON HEALTHCARE Head OfficeChapter 5: EntranceTOKYO MIDTOWN HIBIYATrusco Nakayama Tokyo Head OfficeYOKOHAMA i-MARK PLACETokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of GerontologyPark CITY MUSASHIKOSUGI The GRAND WING TOWERKyoto Research Park Bldg #9Special Nursing Home for Elderly Yasuragi no MoriReview of the part 30 yearsEriko HorikiEssay: The Power to Turn Mundane Ke into the Magic of Hare, a Special OccasionKundo KoyamaColumn: Tatewaku PatternEriko HorikiColumn: Shippo PatternEriko HorikiDiscussion: TOKYO MIDTOWN HIBIYA: Connecting Tradition with the FutureMinoru Murayama × Toshinori Okino × Akira Kubota × Eriko HorikiColumn: The Relation between Washi and LightEriko Horiki
