JA 108, Winter 2018 平田晃久2017→2003 Akihisa Hirata
JA108 is a special issue on the architect Akihisa Hirata. It is a record of his design work over about 15 years, from his earliest works to works currently underway.For Hirata, architecture is part of the living world. Throughout his career, he has consistently sought to extend this perspective conceptually and in his practice, through geometric systems, methods to incorporate diversity, and concepts arising from the search for organic connections, notably karamari (an intertwined relationship) and karamari-shiro (an opportunity for karamari). Working at various scales, he continues to propose new settings for human activities.This issue introduces about 60 projects, including built architecture, installations and unrealized proposals, dating from 2003 to the present. From one work to the next, he has developed new ideas and explored the realities of building architecture. We hope that our readers will find hints in these pages to aid in their own explorations of the architecture to come.

【Dialogue】ギザギザした多様性に向かって重松象平×平田晃久【Monologue】野生,野蛮,この先の建築 平田晃久【Timeline】プロジェクト年表【掲載プロジェクト】太田市美術館・図書館Tree-ness House富富話合Overlap House宮島口客船ターミナルTimber FoamCloud of the FutureLong House hotel versionTaipei ComplexFermented Houseかまいしこども園東戸塚教会Alps TreeGrobal CaveHäm台南市美術館“丘谷之森”Kotoriku富士山世界遺産センター金門港フェリーターミナルLong Garden SoilFermented Tower釜石市復興公営住宅Taipei Complex previous versionLEXUS -amazing flow-Mori Trust Garden TORA4熊本菊水小中学校陸前高田みんなの家Flow_erCoilHotel JPhotosynthesisBloomberg Pavilion庭の中のグリッドの中の庭吉岡ライブラリーFoam FormPrism LiquidAlpOne Roof ApartmentFermented CityFlame FrameAnimated KnotPavilion CPleated SkyArchitecture FarmAlp SarugakuOORDERイエノイエHouse SGallery SChair “Csh”Bag for Fひだの原理Project KR-Minamiaoyama桝屋本店 House H安中国際アートフォーラム
[Dialogue]Toward Jagged DiversityShohei Shigematsu×Akihisa Hirata[Monologue]The Wild and Savage Future of ArchitectureAkihisa Hirata[Timeline][Projects]Art Museum & Library, OtaTree-ness HouseTaipei RoofsOverlap House Itsukushima RoofTimber FoamCloud of the FutureLong House hotel versionTaipei ComplexFermented HouseKamaishi Nursery SchoolHigashi-Totsuka ChurchAlps TreeGrobal CaveHämMuseum Forest of “Hill Valley”Higashi-Totsuka ChurchKotorikuCloud and SlopeInvisible Lines Long Garden SoilFermented TowerKamaishi City Disaster Recovery Public HousingTaipei Complex previous versionLEXUS -amazing flow-Mori Trust Garden TORA4Kikusui Elementary and Junior High SchoolHome-for-AllFlow_erCoilHotel JPhotosynthesisBloomberg PavilionGarden within Grid within Garden Long HouseYoshioka Library Foam FormPrism LiquidAlpOne Roof ApartmentFermented CityFlame FrameAnimated KnotPavilion CPleated SkyArchitecture FarmSarugakuOORDERHouse of House (House T)House SGallery SChair “Csh”Bag for FPleats PrincipleProject KR-MinamiaoyamaMasuya House HAnnaka Art Forum