
JA 54, Summer 2004 空間表現とディテールIV 箱の家-83〔丹羽邸〕 Space in Detail IV


JA 54, Summer 2004

2,619 税込

商品コード: 300054 カテゴリー:
残り在庫 7

日本語 + 英語/226x297mm/A4変型/平綴じ



This edition of JA 54 examines detail works of architecture, with architect’s esquisses,drawings and photographs.In creating space, architecture can be said as a procedure of combing numerous materials. Space does not just emerge out of blue. Architects, through their continuous efforts, attempt to deduct certain appropriate proportion of applied materials. Works ESSAY: Hisao Kohyama, Koichi YasudaYoshihiko Iida/Iida Archship Studio, Maki and Associates, Akira Watanabe Architects & Associates, Kazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA, Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop, Kazuhiko Namba+KAI•Workshop,

Toyo Ito & As

sociates, Architects, Yasushi Horibe Architect

ESSAYIs God or the Devil in the Details?—The Return of Materials; the Decline of Space— Hisao KohyamaTowards a New Fake Age of MaterialsKohichi Yasuda WORKS Nagoya Univercity Noyori Conference Hall Nagoya Univercity Noyori Materials Science LaboratoryYoshihiko Iida/Iida Archship Studio Fukui Prefectural Library and ArchivesMaki and Associates Rakuyoso KyotoAkira Watanabe Architects & Associates Dior OmotesandoKazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA ecoms houseRiken Yamamoto & Field Shop Box House-83Kazuhiko Namba+KAI•Workshop Aluminum Cottage ProjectToyo Ito & Associates, Architects Apartment in TamagawadenenchofuYasushi Horibe Architect