
JA 85, Spring 2012 住宅の系譜 アトリエ・ワンの全42住宅 House Genealogy, Atelier Bow-Wow: All 42 Houses


JA 85, Spring 2012

2,619 税込


商品コード: 300085 カテゴリー:

日本語 + 英語/144頁/226x297mm/A4変型/平綴じ



This issue covers each of the 42 houses designed by Atelier Bow-Wow, a practice established by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima. To illustrate the idea of ‘House Genealogy,’ all projects since 1990 are accompanied by sketches, which together with the texts, are intended to form a single narrative. Produced especially for this issue, the sketches allow the architects to reflect on how changes in the environment have inspired their work. They become critical representations that show the development of a new line of inquiry, revealing as much about their practice as it does about the Japanese city. The cover is a collage of Atelier Bow-Wow’s houses, all brought together with a consistent orientation. Though not real, the image could just as well be that of the contemporary city. 



アンドリュー・ウィルソン × 塚本由晴 × 貝島桃代

ファサード データ/プロフィル


郊外住宅 アニ・ハウスミニ・ハウスダス・ハウスジグガエ・ハウスロコ・ハウスジューシー・ハウスガク・ハウスノラ・ハウス生島文庫テラス・ハウス 都市住宅 シャロー・ハウスクス・ハウスアコ・ハウスハウス&アトリエ・ワンハウス・タワースウェー・ハウスボクテイ 町家 まちやゲストハウスだんだんまちやタワーまちやスプリットまちや 別荘 PALETTE川西町コテージ Bミツモン荘ハウス・アサマハウス・サイコログ・サイコイズ・ハウス黒犬荘鶴山荘ダブル・チムニーポニー・ガーデンマウンテン・ハウスビーチ・ハウスイズ・ブックカフェ コンセプト・ハウス 分節者の家奥のない家生態系アパートメント植物の家スモール・ケーススタディ・ハウスハウス・ジャングルジム

House Genealogy, Atelier Bow-Wow: All 42 Houses


Strangely Orthodox

Andrew Wilson × Yoshiharu Tsukamoto × Momoyo Kaijima

Façade 136Data/Profile 42 Works Suburban House Ani HouseMini HouseDas HouseJIGGae HouseLoco HouseJuicy HouseGaku HouseNora HouseIkushima LibraryTerrace House Urban House Shallow HouseKus HouseAco HouseHouse & Atelier Bow-WowHouse TowerSway HouseBokutei Machiya: Townhouse Machiya Guest HouseTread MachiyaTower MachiyaSplit Machiya Villa PALETTEKawanishi Camping Cottage BMoth HouseHouse AsamaHouse SaikoLog SaikoIzu HouseBlack Dog HouseHouse CraneDouble ChimneyPony GardenMountain HouseBeach HouseIzu Book Cafe Concept House Articulatior’s HouseHouse without DepthEco-System ApartmentHouse of WeedsSmall Case Study HouseHouse Jungle-gym
