
JA 86, Summer 2012 新世代建築家からの提起 Next Generation Manifestations of Architects Under 35


JA 86, Summer 2012

2,619 税込

商品コード: 300086 カテゴリー:

日本語 + 英語/128頁/226x297mm/A4変型/平綴じ



JA86 (the 86th issue of JA) is a special issue dedicated to the new generation of architects. In this issue we introduce to our readers 18 teams of architects ranging in age from 26 to 35 and a total of 51 of their completed buildings and current projects. The 26 architects in these 18 teams were all born between 1977 and 1986. They studied architecture during a time society was growing increasingly complex, and though they have all been influenced by the architects and architecture that have come before, each differs in what they have adopted and what they design against. Their architecture and ideas are diverse. Their work, from small renovation projects to inter-industry collaborations, projects in a variety of counties, and their efforts toward the reconstruction of disaster-affected areas, are all symbolic of the diverse values that exist today.Now, especially after the East Japan earthquake, our understanding of the value of architecture is evolving, so what does the character of this new generation of architects signify? We hope you’ll see how their luminary meticulous styles and diverse individuality have the potential to expand the field of architecture.




データ 建築家18組/51作品 403architecture [dajiba]彌田徹、辻琢磨、橋本健史 三展の格子渥美の床頭陀寺の壁海老塚の段差 富塚の天井 大西麻貴+百田有希/o+h大西麻貴、百田有希 二重螺旋の家千ヶ滝の別荘 海法圭建築設計事務所海法圭 西田の増築 HAP +米澤隆 公文式という建築大きな屋根の下の通り抜け庵をしょった町家覚王山のアジト 増田信吾+大坪克亘増田信吾、大坪克亘 小さな部屋ウチミチニワマチ風がみえる小さな丘躯体の窓 能作文徳建築設計事務所能作文徳 タワーアパートメントスチールハウス Camp Design藤田雄介 糸帳花畑団地27号棟改修プロジェクト 建築設計 コンノ金野千恵 向陽ロッジアハウス屋根付半屋外空間のふるまい学 京智健建築設計室京智健 胡同の陶芸院リノベーションN 成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所成瀬友梨、猪熊純 りくカフェザ・スケープ・アールファブカフェ 畝森泰行建築設計事務所畝森泰行 山手通りの住宅Small House DORELL.GHOTMEH.TANE/ARCHITECTS田根剛 メモリー・フィールド/エストニア国立博物館光・時・場/東芝ミラノサローネPLAY 2 PLAY – 干渉する次元中国の不思議な役人進化する壁/DGTリサーチ リズムデザイン井手健一郎 飯塚の住宅豊見城の住宅恩納村の住宅 assistant松原慈、有山宙 33年目の家風景WITH/WITHOUT ME studio velocity栗原健太郎、岩月美穂 空の見える下階と街のような上階まちに森をつくる家都市にひらいていく家愛知産業大学 言語・情報共育センター(仮称) SUGAWARADAISUKE菅原大輔 陸前高田市小友町獺沢第2仮設団地森のオフィス 髙橋一平建築事務所髙橋一平 七ヶ浜町遠山保育所Nの住宅JR吉備線新LRT駅 中央アーキ上領大祐、坂下加代子、松本悠介 神宮前ビルディング元浅草の住宅


A Generation for Whom the Design of Soil Leads to Architecture

Jun Aoki

Data 51 Works of 18 Architects 403architecture [dajiba]Toru Yada, Takuma Tsuji, Takeshi Hashimoto The Grid of SantenThe Floor of AtsumiThe Wall of Zudaji The Difference of EbitsukaThe Ceiling of Tomitsuka onishimaki + hyakudayuki architects/o+hMaki Onishi, Yuki Hyakuda Double Helix HouseWeekend House in Sengataki KEI KAIHOH ArchitectsKei Kaihoh Extension N HAP +Takashi Yonezawa Kumon -Private School + …- Passing Through Under Large RoofMachiya Carrying Hermitage PickabackSecret Base in Kakuozan SHINGO MASUDA + KATSUHISA OTSUBOShingo Masuda, Katsuhisa Otsubo A Small RoomThreshold of “House” “Street” “Garden” & “Neighbor”Little Hilltop with Wind ViewBoundary Window Fuminori Nousaku ArchitectsFuminori Nousaku Tower ApartmentSteel House Camp DesignYusuke Fujita String LatticeHanahata Housing Renovation Project KONNOChie Konno Sunny Loggia HouseROOFED SPACE Kyo Architecture AtelierTomotaka Kyo Ceramics Art Center, Beijing Hutong SiheyuanHouse Renovation N Naruse Inokuma ArchitectsYuri Naruse, Jun Inokuma Riku CafeTHE SCAPE (R)FabCafe UNEMORI ARCHITECTSHiroyuki Unemori House on Yamate StreetSmall House DORELL.GHOTMEH.TANE/ARCHITECTSTsuyoshi Tane “Memory Field” The Estonian National Museum“LUCE TEMPO LUOGO” TOSHIBA MILANO SALONE PLAY 2 PLAY – interfering dimensionsThe Miraculous Mandarin“Evolution Wall” DGT Research Works rhythmdesignKen-ichiro Ide House in IizukaHouse in TomigusukuHouse in Onnason assistantMegumi Matsubara, Hiroi Ariyama House of 33 YearsWINDSCAPEWITH/WITHOUT ME studio velocityKentaro Kurihara, Miho Iwatsuki Sky-view Ground Floor, City-like Top FloorForest House in the CityHouse Open to the CityAichi Sangyo University Educational Center for Language and IT (tentative name) SUGAWARADAISUKEDaisuke Sugawara Temporary Housing of RikuzentakataOffice in Forest TAKAHASHI IPPEI OFFICEIppei Takahashi Shichigahama NurseryHouse in NLRT Terminal ChuoArchiDaisuke Kamiryo, Kayoko Sakashita, Yusuke Matsumoto Jingumae BuildingThe Residence in Motoasakusa
