
JA 89, Spring 2013 木の建築 Wood Architecture in the Expanded Field


JA 89, Spring 2013

2,619 税込


商品コード: 300089 カテゴリー:

日本語 + 英語/128頁/226x297mm/A4変型/平綴じ



JA89 is a special edition devoted to wood architecture. Japan has a long history of constructing buildings with wood. They include styles of houses that conform harmoniously to the forces of their environment. As a nation rich in forest resources, Japan has produced wood buildings of astonishingly diverse sizes and purposes. And yet, in modern times, Japan’s beautiful townscapes of wood buildings and habits of living in harmony with nature have increasingly been lost. Reasons for this include the superior strength of steel and concrete, the imprecision of wood as a building material, and its ambiguity as a design material. Today, however, amid an urgent need for sustainability, architects are attempting to perceive and employ wood in new ways. This edition features 23 projects by architects who are taking new approaches to wood. Gathered in its pages are buildings that give play to the richness of wood, buildings that seek sustainability in order to protect forests, and buildings that endeavor to recover the beautiful landscapes of the past. We asked each architect the question—Why, at this particular time, are you creating architecture with wood? The texts herein comprise their answers. We similarly asked David Adjaye, a global architect influenced by Japan’s wood architecture, and Pekka Heikkinen, a specialist in wood architecture in Finland, a country possessing rich forests like Japan, to explore this question in their opening essays. We invite you to see each architect’s endeavor and reflect on the rich diversity of wood design now underway in response to the needs of our global environment. 

4 木造の多様性 デイヴィッド・アジャイ 6 木の建築の課題 ペッカ・ヘイッキネン

24 小さな建築から大きな建築へ繋ぐ木組み 隈研吾 32 日本が見習うべき欧州の木造技術 坂 茂 108 なぜ板倉でコアハウスをつくるのか 塚本由晴 貝島桃代

126 プロフィル

23作品 10 サニーヒルズ・ジャパン隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 16 チドリ隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 18 国連大学 Wisdom Tea House隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 20 スターバックスコーヒー太宰府天満宮表参道店隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 26 タメディア新本社Shigeru Ban Architects Europe 33 S邸坂茂建築設計 36 海辺の家マウントフジアーキテクツスタジオ 42 母の家マウントフジアーキテクツスタジオ 48 狭山湖畔霊園管理・休憩棟中村拓志/NAP建築設計事務所 54 狭山の森礼拝堂中村拓志/NAP建築設計事務所 58 ジオメトリック・フォレスト/ソロハウス・プロジェクト藤本壮介建築設計事務所 64 夏の家五十嵐淳 70 コリドー・プロジェクト五十嵐淳 72 東京大学くうかん実験棟平沼孝啓建築研究所 78 杉板の家NKSアーキテクツ 84 ウッドブロックハウス吉村理建築設計事務所 90 Shelf-pod/君府亭森田一弥建築設計事務所 96 BMWグッゲンハイムラボアトリエ・ワン102 コアハウスアーキエイド半島支援勉強会コアハウスワーキンググループ110 星のや 竹富島東 環境・建築研究所/東利恵オンサイト計画設計事務所116 今治港・海の回廊西沢大良建築設計事務所120 御堂筋の屋上木化プロジェクト竹中工務店122 下馬の集合住宅KUS


4 The Versatility of Timber David Adjaye 6 The Challenge of Wood Architecture Pekka Heikkinen

24 Interlocking Wood Joinery —From Small Buildings to Large Kengo Kuma 32 What the Japanese Can Learn from Europe’s Timber Construction Technology Shigeru Ban 108 Why Build “Core House” Using the Itakura Method? Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Momoyo Kaijima


23 Works 10 Sunny Hills Japan Kengo Kuma and Associates 16 Cidori Kengo Kuma and Associates 18 United Nations University Wisdom Tea House Kengo Kuma and Associates 20 Starbucks Coffee at Dazaifutenmangu Omotesando Kengo Kuma and Associates 26 Tamedia New Office Building Shigeru Ban Architects Europe 33 S Residence Shigeru Ban Architects 36 Shore House Mount Fuji Architects Studio 42 Mother’s House Mount Fuji Architects Studio 48 Sayama Lakeside Cemetery Park Community Hall Hiroshi Nakamura 54 Sayama Lakeside Cemetery Park Chapel Hiroshi Nakamura 58 Geometric Forest/Solo House Project Sou Fujimoto Architects 64 Summer House Jun Igarashi 70 Corridor Project Jun Igarashi 72 Space Lab, The University of Tokyo Kohki Hiranuma Architect & Associates 78 Onigiri House NKS architects 84 Wooden Block House Tadashi Yoshimura Architects 90 Shelf-pod Kazuya Morita Architecture Studio 96 BMW-Guggenheim Lab Atelier Bow-Wow102 Minimum House for Local Revitalization in Oshika Peninsula Core House Working Group in Archi-Aid Peninsula supporting Seminar110 Hoshinoya Okinawa Azuma Architect&Associates/Rie Azuma Studio on Site116 Passage in Imabari port Taira Nishizawa Architects120 Mido-suji Rooftop Woodification Project Takenaka Corporation122 Shimouma Apartment KUS
