JA 93, Spring 2014 篠原一男 Kazuo Shinohara
We consecrate “JA93” entirely to the work of Kazuo Shinohara, a name universally familiar as denoting a key player in the realm of heroic controversies and achievements of postwar Japanese architecture.It is also well attested that as an architect Shinohara placed a strong emphasis upon the initial presentation of his oeuvre, namely in “Shinkenchiku” and competing Japanese publications. Naturally, the circumstance that the majority of his early work was for private residences contributed to this priority. His usual practice was to ensure that his architectural beliefs were affirmed through carefully selected photographs, hand-redrawn plans and sections, and meticulously self-composed project descriptions, even while continuing to seek out further methods of expression. As explained in the lead article of this issue, Shinohara’s design philosophy was substantially predicated upon these continual media representations, over which he increasingly exerted a near editorial control.In this issue, original items that were first presented in “Shinkenchiku” and “JA” as the product of in-depth dialogue between Shinohara and the magazine’s chief executive and his staff of editors and Shinkenchiku’s in-house photographers have been reproduced as nearly as possible in their original form. We take the opportunity for an overview of Shinohara’s complete works— from the “House in Kugayama” (1954) through his last and unbuilt project for a small vacation “House in Tateshina.” We believe this issue of “JA” offers an authentic and straightforward approach to the houses and other buildings— to which Shinohara without cease applied an uncommon talent and his own unique way of seeing.Following his death in 2006, Kazuo Shinohara was posthumously awarded the first-ever Golden Lion in Memoriam on the occasion of the 12th Venice Architecture Biennale (2010). Since then, a major series of retrospective exhibitions has taken place in China— with showings now also planned for the United States and Europe. Why does this architect’s presence continue to resonate within our disparate modern age? We invite our readers to reexamine the documentation set forth here and draw their own conclusions from an individual perspective.

巻頭論文4 高次言語建築の行方ー 再考「住宅は芸術である」奥山信一141 データ 55作品10 久我山の家14 谷川さんの家16 久我山の家 その218 狛江の家20 茅ヶ崎の家22 から傘の家26 大屋根の家28 土間の家30 白の家38 地の家40 山城さんの家44 鈴庄さんの家46 花山北の家46 花山南の家50 未完の家52 篠さんの家54 直方体の森56 同相の谷60 海の階段62 空の矩形64 成城の住宅68 東玉川の住宅70 久ヶ原の住宅72 直角3角柱74 谷川さんの住宅78 上原通りの住宅86 花山第3の住宅88 愛鷹裾野の住宅90 上原曲り道の住宅94 軽井沢旧道の住宅96 糸島の住宅98 花山第4の住宅100 高圧線下の住宅104 日本浮世絵博物館106 東玉川コンプレックス108 ハウス イン ヨコハマ114 東京工業大学百年記念館120 花山の病院122 ハネギ・コンプレックス124 テンメイ・ハウス126 K2ビルディング128 熊本北警察署130 DOM本社屋130 後藤さんの住宅計画131 第2国立劇場131 同相の谷 増築計画132 ホテル イン ユーラリール計画133 アガディア・コンヴェンションセンター134 未完の家 増築計画134 日本浮世絵博物館 新館計画135 ヘルシンキ現代美術館136 「パリ、建築とユートピア」出展作136 ハンブルグ都市開発ワークショップの計画138 「横浜港国際客船ターミナル国際建築設計競技」入選案140 蓼科山地の初等幾何
Essay4 Architecture’s Self-Referencing Orientationー Reexamining Shinohara’s Aphorism “A House Is Art”Shin-ichi Okuyama141 Data 55 Works10 House in Kugayama14 Tanikawa House16 House in Kugayama No.218 House in Komae20 House in Chigasaki22 Umbrella House26 House with a Big Roof28 House with an Earthen Floor30 House in White38 House of Earth40 Yamashiro House44 Suzusho House46 North House in Hanayama46 South House in Hanayama50 The Uncompleted House52 Shino House54 Cubic Forest56 Repeating Crevice60 Sea Stairway62 Sky Rectangle64 House in Seijo68 House in Higashi-Tamagawa70 House in Kugahara72 Prism House74 Tanikawa House78 House in Uehara86 House in Hanayama No.388 House in Ashitaka90 House on a Curved Road94 House in Karuizawa96 House in Itoshima98 House in Hanayama No.4100 House under High-Voltage Lines104 Ukiyo-e Museum106 Higashi-Tamagawa Complex108 House in Yokohama114 Centennial Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology120 Clinic in Hanayama122 Hanegi Complex124 Tenmei House126 K2 Building128 Kumamoto-Kita Police Station130 DOM Headquarters /Köln130 Goto House Project131 The Second National Theater131 Repeating Crevice Annex Project132 Euralille Hotel Project133 Agadir Convention Center134 Uncompleted House Annex Project134 Ukiyo-e Museum Annex Project135 Helsinki Contemporary Art Museum136 Paris: Circus on Seine136 Project for Hamburg Urban Vision138 Yokohama International Port Terminal140 House in Tateshina Project